Governor Announces Sales Tax Holiday
Wednesday, July 18, 2007 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
ATLANTA—Georgia shoppers will get an opportunity to purchase certain clothing items, schools supplies, computers and computer accessories without paying state and local sales tax during the state’s tax-free holiday that begins at 12:01 a.m. August 2 and continues until midnight August 5.
“Teachers and parents often spend significant amounts of money in preparing for students to return to school,” said Governor Sonny Perdue. “This break on sales taxes is just one small way that we can show our appreciation for all the work they do for our children.”
During the sales tax holiday, clothing and footwear up to $100 per item are exempt, but there is no limit on how many pairs of shoes and clothing items an individual can buy. If the price of an article of clothing or pair of shoes exceeds $100, then the item will be taxed at its full retail price. Clothing accessories, jewelry, handbags, umbrellas, eyewear, watches, watchbands and similar items are not exempt from sales tax during the tax-free period.
School supplies bought for classroom use or classroom related activities are exempt if they cost $20 or less per item. Included in this area are pens, pencils, notebooks, paper, book bags, calculators, dictionaries, thesauruses, children’s books and books listed on approved school reading lists for pre-kindergarten through 12th grade. Sales tax will be due on the purchase of any single school supply item that exceeds $20.
Purchases of personal computers and accessories are exempt up to $1,500 per transaction. Items included in the personal computer exemption category include monitors, personal computer base units, keyboards, handheld computers, monitors, printers, modems, non-recreational software and other peripheral devices.
Personal digital assistants are exempt unless they allow voice communication. Other items that are not exempt include regular cell phones, digital cameras, furniture and any systems, devices, software or peripherals designed or intended primarily for recreational use.
The sales tax exemption on all qualified merchandise is intended only for individuals and their personal use. It does not apply to purchases made for resale, purchases by businesses, items leased or rented, or items sold at sports facilities, theme parks, restaurants, public lodging establishments and airports.
Additional information and a comprehensive list of exempt items are available at any of the Department of Revenue’s regional offices or on the Internet at the Department’s web site www.dor.ga.gov. Individuals can also get information by calling 404-417-6601 or contacting the Department of Revenue via email at taxpayer.services@dor.ga.gov.
A tax free holiday for certain energy efficient products with a sales price of $1,500 or less will occur between October 4 and October 7 this year.