Governor Perdue Announces New Staff Members
Wednesday, August 15, 2007 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
Jannine Miller and Misty Giles to serve as Policy Advisors
ATLANTA – Governor Sonny Perdue announced two new policy advisors today: Jannine Miller, policy advisor for transportation and Misty Giles, policy advisor for criminal justice and public safety. Policy advisors in the office of the Governor advise the Governor and staff on legislation and initiatives in their field of expertise. Policy advisors also serve as a staff liaison to state agencies and outside groups.
“We have a solid team of hardworking, energetic staff members,” said Governor Sonny Perdue. “Jannine and Misty will contribute to the proactive, hands-on approach of our second term.”
Brief biographies are listed below:
Jannine Miller, Atlanta, - Prior to joining the Governors Office, Miller was the policy and programs consultant for the Georgia State Road and Tollway Authority (SRTA). She also served as a transportation finance specialist and project manager for Wilbur Smith Associates of New Haven, Connecticut. Miller worked as a senior transportation planner with the Atlanta Regional Commission and as a senior budget and policy analyst in the Georgia Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget (OPB). She is a member of the Taxation and Finance Committee of the Transportation and Research Board. Miller earned a bachelor’s and master’s degree from Georgia State University.
Misty Giles, Atlanta, - Prior to joining the Governor’s Office, Giles served as regional director for Southwest Georgia for the Georgia Republican Party. She served as a fundraising assistant for Gary Black’s Agricultural Commissioner campaign and as an intern with Wilson Research Strategies in Washington, D.C. Giles also worked as a confidential secretary at the Governor’s Mansion. Giles earned bachelor’s degrees in political science and history and graduated Cum Laude from Georgia Southern University. She will complete her master’s degree in political science from the University of Georgia in December.