Ten Governors Send Letter of Support for Delta's China Route Bid
Thursday, June 14, 2007 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
Governor Perdue joined by nine other southern governors in supporting Atlanta-Shanghai flight
ATLANTA – Governor Sonny Perdue and nine fellow governors from the Southeastern United States announced today that a joint letter has been sent to U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Mary Peters supporting Delta Air Lines’ bid to offer the first and only nonstop flights between the world’s largest airline hub in Atlanta and China’s commercial and financial capital of Shanghai.
"This letter demonstrates the strong support that this great Georgia company has among our Southeastern neighbors," said Governor Perdue. "Delta and our hometown airport provide a hub for commerce and we know that direct air service to new destinations results in increased trade, tourism and economic development for communities across the Southeast. This new route will be a big win for the fastest growing region in the U.S."
Governor Perdue was joined by Delta CEO Gerald Grinstein in the Governor’s Office this morning to announce the support letter. In addition to Governor Perdue, other signers of the letter include Governor Bob Riley of Alabama, Governor Mike Beebe of Arkansas, Governor Ernie Fletcher of Kentucky, Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco of Louisiana, Governor Haley Barbour of Mississippi, Governor Anibal Acevedo Vila of Puerto Rico, Governor Mark Sanford of South Carolina, Governor Phil Bredesen of Tennessee and Governor Joe Manchin III of West Virginia.
"Customers, businesses, and elected officials from across the Southeast are unwavering in their support of Delta because they understand the positive impact that air travel has on their region," said Delta CEO Gerald Grinstein. "We are appreciative of the governors' support for our efforts to connect China directly to the Southeast and look forward to proving to the Department of Transportation that Atlanta to Shanghai is the best choice for the next new route to China."
In addition to announcing the support letter, Governor Perdue also praised the incredible turnaround Delta has experienced emerging from Chapter 11 protection as a strong, stand-alone carrier based in Atlanta.
"Years from now, we will all look back with pride on the amazing revival of Delta under the leadership of CEO Gerald Grinstein and the hard work and dedication of Delta employees," Governor Perdue said. "He has been an agent of change and a visionary that arrived at Delta at the perfect time."
The China route is the second leg of the state of Georgia’s three-pronged campaign to strengthen relationships with the Chinese government and the country’s business community. Later this year, Governor Perdue will travel to China to officially open the state’s office in Beijing, and state officials have also pitched Atlanta as the next U.S. location for a Chinese consulate. Consular services for the Chinese government in the southeast are currently based in Houston, Texas.
Delta’s service would provide a much-needed link between fast-growing communities in the Southeastern U.S. and economies across China. Delta is awaiting the issuance of an instituting order from the U.S. Department of Transportation that will officially launch the 2007 China route case and allow the airline to take the final steps needed for approval of its proposed Atlanta-Shanghai flight. Currently, Delta proposes to begin nonstop service between Atlanta and Shanghai as soon as March 25, 2008, given DOT approval.
The text of the letter is below, and a PDF with signatures included is attached:
The Honorable Mary E. Peters
United States Secretary of Transportation
Dear Madam Secretary:
On behalf of the citizens of our states, we write in support of Delta Air Lines’ bid for a direct flight between Atlanta, Georgia, and Shanghai, China. By connecting China’s vibrant commercial capital with the Southeastern Untied States, Delta’s proposal stresses the importance of economic development for our States and the region as a whole.
The Southeast is our Nation’s fastest growing region, both economically and in population. However, no direct air service connects us with China, and the nearest frequencies fly to Beijing, the center of government, instead of Shanghai, the heart of commerce. Delta proposes to remedy that situation.
From Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, Delta flies directly into all of our states, with approximately three hundred ninety flights per day connecting sixty-eight cities across the Southeast, including Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Often these connections into Atlanta take less than ninety minutes, which means that our citizens can travel with ease to China for business, education, or pleasure.
We strongly urge the Department of Transportation to award the route to Delta.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Governor Sonny Perdue
Governor Bob Riley
Governor Mike Beebe
Governor Ernie Fletcher
Governor Haley Barbour
Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco
Governor Aníbal Acevedo Vilá
Puerto Rico
Governor Mark Sanford
South Carolina
Governor Phil Bredesen
Governor Joe Manchin III
West Virginia