Governor Perdue Declares State of Emergency in Southeast Georgia
Wednesday, May 2, 2007 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
Governor also allows permits to be issued for oversize trucks removing debris
ATLANTA – Governor Sonny Perdue today issued an Executive Order declaring a state of emergency in 21 counties in southeast Georgia. These counties face severe drought conditions, which have created an extreme and widespread threat for wildland fires, according to the order.
"The state of Georgia is committed to being there to help these communities for as long as it takes to put theses fires out," Governor Perdue said. "I continue to be impressed by the remarkable resolve of our emergency responders and the residents of the affected counties."
Governor Perdue visited Waycross yesterday, receiving a briefing on the fires burning and meeting with local officials and responders. Some of the fires are the largest in Georgia's recorded history.
The executive order ensures the continuation of state resources available to assist the Georgia Forestry Commission, the Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA) and local governments in the response and recovery activities currently being undertaken in the above mentioned counties consistent with the Georgia Emergency Operations Plan. It also anticipates the need for state action in other communities that have the same threat for large fires due to the severe drought and fire fuel conditions that exist.
The fires have consumed over 100,000 acres. The State of Emergency is declared for the following counties: Atkinson, Bacon, Berrien, Brantley, Bryan, Camden, Charlton, Chatham, Clinch, Coffee, Echols, Effingham, Glynn, Lanier, Liberty, Long, Lowndes, McIntosh, Pierce, Ware and Wayne.
The Governor also issued a separate Executive Order that allows permitting for oversize trucks that are removing burnt timber from the affected areas.
Copies of the Executive Orders are below:
State of Emergency
Whereas: Prolonged severe drought conditions existing across southeastern Georgia have created an extreme and widespread threat for wildland fires; and
Whereas: Numerous wildland fires are impacting this same area, with some of those fires being the largest in Georgia’s recorded history, having consumed over 100,000 acres to date; and
Whereas: These wildland fires are creating significant and immediate threats to homes, businesses, industries, and the citizens of Georgia; and
Whereas: These hazardous conditions require that the public be extremely vigilant regarding fire activity in their vicinity; and
Whereas: The public should not conduct any outdoor burning that could contribute to this dangerous situation; and
Whereas: This unprecedented event requires the assistance of the State of Georgia to protect the public health, preserve the safety of the public, prevent major destruction, and restore the social and economic welfare of these communities.
Now, therefore, pursuant to the authority vested in me as Governor of the State of Georgia, It Is Hereby
Ordered: That a State of Emergency exists in Atkinson, Bacon, Berrien, Brantley, Bryan, Camden, Charlton, Chatham, Clinch, Coffee, Echols, Effingham, Glynn, Lanier, Liberty, Long, Lowndes, McIntosh, Pierce, Ware, and Wayne counties due to the existing extreme drought and unique forest fuel conditions.
It is Further
Ordered: That personnel and equipment resources of the State of Georgia be made available to assist the Georgia Forestry Commission, the Georgia Emergency Management Agency and local governments in the response and recovery activities currently being undertaken in the above mentioned counties consistent with the Georgia Emergency Operations Plan.
Any inconsistent prior order is hereby rescinded.
This 2nd day of May, 2007.
WHEREAS: Due to the catastrophic damage to timber trees caused by the forest fires in the southern region of the state and bordering states, it has been determined that specific restrictions be lifted on lumber trucks to accommodate for the emergency removal of the burnt timber; and
WHEREAS: It is requested that the State of Georgia allow vehicles transporting such loads to travel on pre-approved state maintained roadways as indicated on the permit; and no company shall exceed the allowable gross weight indicated on the permit; and
WHEREAS: Authorization is granted to the Georgia Department of Transportation to issue overdimensional permits accommodating the movement of vehicles and loads as stated above with coordination and cooperation from law enforcement of the Georgia Department of Public Safety, Motor Carrier Compliance Division is warranted.
ORDERED: That weight, height, and length for any such vehicle on roadways maintained by the State of Georgia and shown on the permit, shall not exceed the following:
(A) A maximum gross vehicle weight for vehicles equipped with five (5) weight-bearing axles, with an outer bridge span of not less than fifty-one (51) feet shall not exceed a gross weight of ninety (90) thousand pounds, a width of ten (10) feet and an overall length of one hundred (100) feet. Continuous travel is authorized; with the proper escorts.
(B) Transporters are responsible for ensuring they have proper oversize signs, markings, flags and escorts as defined in the Georgia Department of Transportation, Rules and Regulations 672-2-.06 and 672-2-.07.
(C) When traveling after nightfall, transporters are required to have a vehicle front and a rear escort/amber light when traveling on a 2-lane roadway and a vehicle rear escort is required when traveling on a 4-lane highway.
Permits may be issued by the Georgia Department of Transportation, Oversize Permit Unit, during normal business hours from 7:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m., Monday through Friday by calling 1-800-570-5428.
This Executive Order shall be valid for ninety (90) days from this date.
This 2nd day of May, 2007.