Winner of Governor's Prom Party PSA Contest Begins Airing Ad Today
Wednesday, May 2, 2007 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
ATLANTA –South Cobb High School's public service announcement promoting safe driving and responsible behavior on prom night and throughout the year began airing across Georgia today. As a result of their winning submission, the school will also have a prom party at the Governor's Mansion on Friday, May 11, 2007.
"South Cobb High School's public service announcement was creative, and more importantly, had a powerful message about the importance of not drinking on prom night," said Governor Sonny Perdue. "The airing of this advertisement will remind students and parents that safety is always the top priority."
Georgia Public Broadcasting assisted the students with reproducing the ad, and the Governor's Office of Highway Safety is paying for the airing of the ad. The ad can be viewed here: http://www.gpb.org/public/education/index.jsp
In addition to viewing the ad and discussing the importance of safety with their children, parents are also encouraged to participate in the PRMTXT campaign. The campaign allows parents and friends to register a teen's cell phone number, date of prom, and zip code. On prom night, the registered teen will receive a message that says, "Have fun 2night. Stay safe. Don't drink. Luv u." To register to send a text message family and friends should visit www.prmtxt.org.