Governor Perdue Announces Executive Appointments
Monday, May 2, 2005 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
ATLANTA, GA - Governor Sonny Perdue announced today the following executive appointments:
Board of Directors of MCG Health, Inc.
Lawrence Reese “Larry” Benson, 57, Athens, GA, Member — Benson serves as chairman and chief executive officer of Benson’s, Inc. He is the owner of Benson’s Bakery in Bogart. Benson also owns a Holiday Inn, Holiday Inn Express and Hilton Garden Inn in Athens. He serves as a member of the executive committee of the Oconee County Chamber of Commerce and a member of the Oconee County Development Authority. He is a board member of the Athens Area Chamber of Commerce, a member of the Athens Touchdown Club, a member of the University of Georgia Gymnastics 10-0 Club and a member of both the Clarke and Oconee County Rotary Club. He received his bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of Georgia. Benson and his wife, Donna, have two children.
J. Roy Roland, MD, 79, Dublin, GA, Member — Roland is a physician and works at the Middle Georgia Community Mental Health Center. He previously practiced family medicine and served as medical director of the Georgia Department of Medical Assistance. Roland served in the U.S. House of Representatives for twelve years and in the Georgia House of Representatives for six years. He is a decorated combat veteran of World War II. He has been awarded the American Medical Association’s Nathan Davis Award and the Benjamin Rush Award. He graduated with honors from the Medical College of Georgia. Roland and his wife, Luella, have three children, five grandchildren and two great grandchildren.
Board of Driver Services (formerly Board of Motor Vehicle Safety)
Susan Hunter Gordy, 61, Atlanta, GA, Member —G ordy is the owner and manager of the Varisty Jr. She worked for twelve years in the fashion-retail industry. Gordy is a member of the Junior League of Atlanta, a board member of the Atlanta Humane Society, a supporter of the Ronald McDonald House and a member of the Wieuca Road Baptist Church. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of South Carolina. Gordy survives her husband.
Brain and Spinal Injury Trust Fund Commission
Annette T. Bowling, 68, Doerun, GA, At Large Member — Bowling is executive director of the Albany Advocacy Resource Center. She is a board member of Albany Area Primary Health Care, a member of Southwest Georgia Easter Seals, a board member of the Southwest Georgia Area Health Education Center, a member of the Georgia ARC Network, and a member of the Albany Kiwanis Club. Bowling is the recipient of the 2002 Georgia Rehabilitation Association Advocacy Award and the 2002 National Association of Workforce Development Professionals Award. She graduated from the Perry School of Business Education. Bowling and her husband George have one child.
Georgia Aviation Hall of Fame Board
E. Patrick Epps, 71, Atlanta, GA, District Three Member — REAPPOINTMENT — Epps serves as founder and operator of Epps Air Service and has personally logged over 8,000 flying hours as a commercial pilot. Epps also flies his aerobatic Beechcraft Bonanza in local air shows. He previously served as a test engineer for Boeing on prototypes of the 707. After training in the United States Air Force, Epps became a military pilot and flew the Boeing C -97 Stratofreighter and later the Fairchild C-123 Provider. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology and is a distinguished graduate of the United States Air Force Class 58L. Epps and his wife, Ann, have three children.
Council on American Indian Concerns
Robert T. “Bobby” Tuggle, Jr., 70, Perry, GA, At Large Member —Tuggle serves as the secretary/treasurer of the Peach Belt Farmers Mutual Insurance Company. He previously owned and operated the Bobby Tuggle Insurance Agency, Inc. Tuggle served in the United States Army for two years. He is a member of the Perry United Methodist Church, the Perry Kiwanis Club, the American Legion, the Georgia Indian Culture Association and serves as national trustee and national trustee emeritus of Ducks Unlimited. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in animal science from Auburn University. Tuggle and his wife, Irene, have two children and five grandchildren.