Governor Perdue Announces $13.3 million Broadband Award
Thursday, August 19, 2010 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
“These awards will assist with a variety of economic development projects in rural
These funds will allow SGRITA to complete their broadband network to extend world class broadband service throughout Baker, Calhoun, Early, Miller and
In July 2006, the OneGeorgia Authority awarded an $88,600 BRIDGE grant to the City of
In November 2007, SGRITA was awarded $2.7 million by the OneGeorgia Authority to build a rural broadband network throughout the five southwest
With these funds SGRITA successfully completed in September 2008 the construction of a 188-mile licensed wireless broadband backhaul network loop across the five counties and connected four of the area school systems plus other local commercial and governmental clients. Through SGRITA, the schools’ clock access speeds have improved from the bottom 3 percent -8 percent in
A backhaul network is designed to carry large amounts of data long distances from one point to another and to connect major users such as the schools and governmental offices. It also serves as the backbone for last mile service to homes and business. With the backhaul network completed, SGRITA continued with plans for rural deployment to homes. However, In February 2009 Congress created the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act which included a once in a generation funding opportunity for “Shovel Ready” rural broadband projects. For SGRITA this was an opportunity to greatly multiply the limited remaining funds from OneGeorgia and savings from retail operations.
With today’s funding announcement, all the hard work and dedication by the OneGeorgia Authority, local citizens of the five Counties, the SGRITA Board and employees can now be fully realized.
Today’s announcement continues
Governor Perdue began working to bring broadband to rural areas of the state in 2006 when the General Assembly, at his request, appropriated funds to expand wireless broadband access. The OneGeorgia Authority, chaired by Governor Perdue, established a program separate from Wireless Communities Georgia to assist rural communities in establishing broadband networks.
For more information on SGRITA and OneGeorgia, please visit www.sgrita.org and www.onegeorgia.org.