Cities, Counties Receive Grants for Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy
Thursday, March 25, 2010 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
“Investment in energy efficient infrastructure creates jobs, promotes economic development and increases our citizens’ quality of life,” said Governor Sonny Perdue. “Financing renewable energy projects encourages good stewardship of our environment.”
“Many local governments throughout
EECBG funds for local governments were awarded following a competitive application process. Out of 84 applications, GEFA funded 57 projects benefiting 64 communities. General activities receiving EECBG funding include:
- Energy efficiency programs and incentives for residential and commercial sectors:
- Energy efficiency retrofits for local government facilities;
- Energy code compliance and training; and
- Renewable energy installations.
The EECGB funds will help local governments meet the Governor’s Energy Challenge. In April 2008 Governor Sonny Perdue committed
Since the passage of the ARRA in February 2009, GEFA has awarded $185 million in stimulus funds for the following energy efficiency and renewable energy programs:
- $99 million for the Weatherization Assistance Program to weatherize approximately 13,000 low-income homes statewide;
- $63.1 million for 135 energy efficiency projects in state facilities;
- $10 million for 16 renewable energy and energy efficiency (commercial, industrial and residential) projects;
- $4.5 million for 14 solar energy projects through the Clean Energy Property Rebate Program; and
- $8.6 million for the Energy Star Appliance Rebate Program (www.georgiarebate.com).
A list of the EECBG local government projects approved by the GEFA board of directors is below.
Applicant |
Project Summary |
Funding Awarded |
City of |
The city of |
$500,000 |
City of |
The Camden Energy Efficiency and Conservation Program is a partnership with the cities of Kingsland, Woodbine and St. Mary's. The program will fund energy efficiency retrofits to local government buildings within each local government and create a revolving loan fund that will provide low interest loans to business and industry for energy efficiency improvements to their buildings. |
$500,000 |
City of |
Revolving loan Fund for residential efficiency. Energy efficiency upgrades to the City Hall/Public Works and |
$300,000 |
City of |
Government building energy efficient lighting and HVAC upgrades to include |
$297,443 |
Energy saving performance contracting on government buildings. Incentives to promote use of residential energy efficient products and services, which includes training and education. |
City of |
LED lighting retrofit for five government buildings. Lighting audits for businesses and financial assistance for commercial retrofits. |
City of |
Revolving loan Fund for municipal energy efficiency retrofits, energy code training and education for city staff. |
County building retrofits focused on lighting and HVAC upgrades. The program will redirect 25 percent energy savings to fund 20 new green jobs annually for four years (80 jobs total) for “Project Step Up,” a community-based poverty reduction initiative. |
City of |
HVAC upgrade at the City Council Chambers, installation of a small solar project on the Performing Arts Center, LED light replacement at the city park and lighting retrofit at |
$220,000 |
City of |
High efficiency lighting, HVAC and building automation control retrofits at multiple municipal buildings. Energy savings will be reinvested back into community energy efficiency and poverty reduction programs. |
City of |
Government building energy efficiency upgrades for the |
City of |
School lighting retrofits and commercial retrofits. |
City of |
Lighting retrofit at |
City of |
Partnership with |
Agriculture rebate program for diesel to electric irrigation system conversion $500,000 Bartow County Retrofits of seven government buildings, energy education for city staff. |
School and government building solar hot water retrofits, advocacy program for residents, and energy code training. |
City of |
Retrofit waste water treatment facility with energy efficient water pumps, motors and diffusers. |
City of |
Create revolving loan fund for energy efficiency projects geared to residential and community buildings. |
Energy efficiency retrofits for courthouse and community buildings. |
City of |
Replace the gas-fired boiler at the Georgia Mountains Center with an ENERGY STAR efficient boiler, replace two roof-top HVAC units at Community Service Center, proposed HVAC energy efficiency retrofits at the city’s Georgia Mountains Center, traffic division building, maintenance shop, vehicle services building, and the Joint Administration Building; establish a revolving loan fund for future energy efficiency projects from energy savings. |
City of |
Revolving loan fund for energy efficiency projects for residential and commerical buildings, an energy efficiency conservation strategy and the installation of a solar hot water system at the public safety complex. |
City of |
Energy efficient lighting retrofits for 11 municipal buildings, and a solar installation at the county landfill. |
35-acre solar cover on a county-owned abandoned landfill. |
$300,000 |
City of |
Weatherization projects for homeowners and renters bringing homes up to compliance with Georgia Energy Code for insulation and HVAC efficiency. A 50 percent subsidy for residents' energy efficiency investment. City Hall to recieve a ground source heat pump and photovoltaic system, with the intent of creating a demonstration/education tool to inspire visitors to pursue similar energy savings techniques. |
County building lighting retrofits and building code inspection training for county staff. |
Building retrofits of city, county, and school system facilities. |
$249,208 |
Solar hot water for detention centers in the two counties. |
$300,000 |
City of |
Retrofit the city's waste water treatment plant with energy efficient aerators. |
$300,000 |
City of |
HVAC upgrades at the three historic buildings and provide building operator certification training. |
$299,970 |
Lighting retrofits for three government buildings; the Engineering Office, the W.P. Randall Building and the Public Works Building |
$38,115 |
Replace inefficient HVAC units and lighting in six county-owned facilities: the Sheriff’s office, the county jail, the Magistrate Court, the E911 facility, the office of the Superior Court Judge, and the senior center. In addition, the county will send one building maintenance employee to training for building operator certification. Energy savings resulting from the retrofits will be captured and set aside for future retrofits for other public facilities. |
City of |
Government building retrofits, energy savings will establish a revolving loan fund for future municipal retrofits, building operator certification training for staff. |
City of |
Water treatment plant retrofit. |
$247,500 |
City of |
Building energy efficiency retrofits and lighting retrofits for the Police Department, Department of Public Works, and water treatment facilities, and building operator certification training for two city staff. |
$245,712 |
City of |
Solar installations on six government buildings |
South Fulton ( |
Government building retrofits, reinvest energy savings. |
$350,000 |
City of |
Water treatment plant pump improvements and lighting retrofits |
$300,000 |
City of |
Revolving loan fund for commercial and residential energy efficiency projects. |
$99,000 |
City of |
Municipal energy efficiency retrofits and energy code training for city staff. |
$114,125 |
City of Flowery Branch |
Retrofits at the city's waste water treatment plant. |
$204,630 |
Retrofits at eight county building and energy code training. |
$173,513 |
City of |
Weatherization and HVAC upgrades for publicly owned buildings such as libraries, auditoriums and administrative buildings. |
$125,000 |
Brooks County |
Three building retrofits at the |
Building retrofits, primarily HVAC improvements. |
$114,400 |
Building retrofits and energy code training |
$190,758 |
City of |
Installation of nine tankless water heaters on municipal buildings. |
$27,500 |
$24,970 |
Energy code training for county employees. |
$11,000 |
City of |
Retrofit the city's waste water treatment plant with an energy efficient post-aeration system. |
$300,000 |
City of |
HVAC and lighting retrofit for fire station. |
$44,982 |
Energy efficiency retrofits for government buildings and energy code training. |
$194,100 |
Energy efficiency retrofit of county building. |
$30,000 |
City of |
Energy efficiency upgrades focused on |
$99,900 |
HVAC retrofits at four fire stations. |
$265,423 |
Indoor lighting upgrades with LED lighting technology at government facilities in |
$313,086 |
*A Green Street Communities (GSC) program participant. The GSC provides energy audit services and energy efficiency incentives for commercial and residential customers served by city-owned utilities partnered with Electric Cities of |
About the Georgia Environmental Facilities Authority (www.gefa.org)
The Georgia Environmental Facilities Authority (GEFA) provides financial assistance and administers programs that encourage stewardship of the environment and promote economic development statewide. GEFA is the lead state agency for energy planning and alternative fuels; manages the Governor’s Energy Challenge and the Georgia Land Conservation Program; maintains state-owned fuel storage tanks; and offers financing for reservoir and water supply, water quality, storm water and solid waste infrastructure.