Governor Perdue Declares Census Awareness Week
Thursday, March 11, 2010 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
“It is vitally important that everyone in
In the 2000 Census, only 65 percent of
The 2010 Census consists of only 10 questions and takes just 10 minutes to complete. Along with the questionnaire, Georgians will receive a postage-paid envelope to make returning the form not only simple, but free.
U.S. Census responses are secure. Federal law prohibits the sharing of any information from the questionnaire with any other organization or agency. Only the U.S. Census bureau sees responses and the information is protected for more than 70 years.
Anyone who does not receive a Census form by mail can pick up a Be Counted form at locations throughout the state. The Be Counted forms are the same as those mailed out and include a postage-paid envelope. They should be completed and returned by May 1.
To develop a plan to ensure an accurate and complete count, Governor Perdue appointed the state’s Complete Count Committee in 2009. Co-chaired by Department of Community Affairs Commissioner Mike Beatty and Debra Lyons, director of the Governor’s Office of Workforce Development, this committee has created a network with more than 175 local complete count committees to ensure a strong grassroots efforts throughout the state.
Sub-committees have also been developed and are implementing outreach campaigns that include education, business, community, government, faith-based, media and customers service. In addition, Facebook and Twitter tools are being used to provide communications among these committees in and around the Census.
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