Georgia Broadband Projects Receive $14.9 Million
Friday, March 5, 2010 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
The Columbia County Information Technology Department was awarded $13.5 million to build the Columbia County Community Broadband Network, which will:
- create 60 free Wi-Fi hotspots in public locations to expand broadband Internet access for the public,
- encourage economic development, job creation and education by enhancing broadband capabilities for critical community facilities in underserved areas of the county,
- support a county-wide traffic and water control system,
- enable the use of electronic health records for patients at the Medical College of Georgia, and
- facilitate more affordable and accessible broadband service for an estimated 33,000 households and 2,400 businesses by allowing local Internet service providers to connect to the county’s open network.
The project also involves the construction of five wireless towers to enhance public safety communications. It is supported by more than 20 county, municipal and other organizations.
The Columbia County IT Department currently operates a network of nine sites linked to a newly completed data center.
In addition, Level 3 EON was awarded $1.4 million to build four new access points on its existing broadband network, including three between
With these awards,
With the federal award
Governor Perdue began working on bringing broadband to rural areas of the state in 2006 when the General Assembly, at the Governor’s request, appropriated funds to expand wireless broadband access. The OneGeorgia Authority, chaired by Governor Perdue, established a separate program to assist rural communities seeking to establish broadband networks of any kind.