SEUS//CP Conference brings aerospace industry in Warner Robins, Atlantic Canada together
Monday, July 27, 2009 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
ATLANTA – Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue announced today that the Warner Robins Area Aerospace Industry Committee (AIC) and the Atlantic Alliance of Aerospace and Defense Associations (AAADA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding at the Southeastern United State-Canadian Provinces Alliance conference (SEUS//CP) in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador. The agreement promotes trade and investment for companies involved in the aerospace, defense, security and space-related sectors.
“This agreement is a shining success for the Southeastern U.S. – Canadian Provinces Alliance, which was founded with the express purpose of enabling industries and communities to forge lasting and effective business partnerships,” said Governor Perdue. “We have made the aerospace sector, which holds tremendous growth potential for our state, one of
“Today's signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between aerospace and defense industry associations from Georgia and Atlantic Canada represents the spirit of collaboration that is emerging between our jurisdictions,” said the Honorable Danny Williams, Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador and co-host of the second annual SEUS//CP conference. “This MOU marks an important step in the continued growth of our local aerospace and defense sectors. I am confident that through its implementation business leaders in
The two organizations have a history of cooperation. For the last six years, the
The AIC then invited Howard Nash, President, Northstar Network Ltd. and Co-Chair of the AAADA, to speak at a luncheon and discuss aerospace and defense opportunities in
“This agreement represents the first step in facilitating Atlantic Canada’s aerospace and defense companies to team with companies in
Warner Robins Area AIC was formed for the purpose of preserving, advancing and enhancing the community of aerospace and defense industries in the
The Atlantic Alliance of Aerospace and Defence Associations (AAADA) is an alliance of aerospace and defense associations in Atlantic Canada composed of members from associations in New Brunswick (NBADA), Nova Scotia (ADIANS),
The AAADA is a regional organization focused on representing, promoting and growing the aerospace, defense and homeland security sectors, and building national and international partnerships to support its companies to be leaders in innovation and productivity. The AAADA represents 280 companies in the region employing more than 10,000 skilled workers. For more information, visit www.aaada.ca .
The SEUS-Canadian Provinces Alliance (SEUS//CP), which is modeled after the successful 33-year SEUS-Japan association, is designed to present opportunities for businesses to enhance commercial exchanges, promote two-way investment, and encourage technological and scientific exchanges between and among six southeastern States and seven Canadian Provinces. Member states include
SEUS//CP was initially spearheaded by the State of Georgia and the Province of Quebec with support from the U.S. Embassy in Canada and the Canadian Consulate General for the Southeastern U.S. in Atlanta. The program is now led by the
The text of the Memorandum of Understanding signed by both parties is below:
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
Between Atlantic
1. To utilize the MOU as a means to promote each association and to create economic development opportunities, in each country, for companies involved in the aerospace, defense, security and space related industry sectors;
2. To provide a forum wherein individual companies can create strategic, bi-lateral business partnerships on specific projects or activities, within the sector, to the mutual benefit of both organizations;
3. To create trade related linkages that will leverage the aggregated capacity of companies in both Associations to create a stronger value proposition in maintaining existing or bidding for new supply chain opportunities;
4. To facilitate bi-lateral trade events such as trade missions and trade shows in each country;
5. To understand each other’s respective strengths in aerospace research, development and innovation support, and to facilitate appropriate links between companies and technical establishments, whether in industry or Universities, in order to gain competitive advantage through commercially exploiting technological knowledge and facilities;
6. To serve as a forum for dissemination of industry information that will be helpful to the respective membership;
7. To provide a forum to assemble strategic partnerships to bid for projects that might otherwise not be possible; and
8. To assist companies in Atlantic Canada and the
Signed for
Signed for Atlantic