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Georgia Seal

Statement of Governor Sonny Perdue Regarding Clayton County Public Schools Accreditation

Friday, May 1, 2009  Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774

ATLANTA  Governor Sonny Perdue issued the following statement today regarding Clayton County Public Schools accreditation:

Clayton County’s reaccreditation is a huge step in the right direction.  SACS’s decision today shows the progress that can be made when a community rallies around its schools and holds their elected officials accountable.  I also want to thank State Board of Education members Brad Bryant and Jim Bostic for their work with the Clayton board.  Despite the progress, there remains much work to do and I encourage the community to continue to press for improvement.  Unfortunately, this progress came only after students were forced to suffer the consequences of adults behaving irresponsibly.  For that reason I will continue to advocate for Senate Bill 84, which would allow early intervention in the instance a situation arises like the one we experienced last year in Clayton County.” 
