Governor Perdue Declares State of Emergency in Seven Counties
Wednesday, August 27, 2008 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
“While we are very fortunate to not have witnessed the full extent of Tropical Storm Fay, there has been considerable damage to roads, homes and farmland,” said Governor Sonny Perdue. “Our goal is to assist these counties with state equipment and personnel in order to handle extensive repairs.”
The Georgia Department of Transportation (DOT) has been in the process of evaluating damages and will be coordinating assistance with local road supervisors in the declared counties. In addition, the Georgia Office of Homeland Security-Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA) has dispatched representatives to ensure that personnel and equipment resources of the state of Georgia be made available to assist in the response and recovery activities currently being undertaken and that the Georgia Emergency Management Agency activate the Georgia Emergency Operations Plan.
GEMA is the lead state agency for coordination of emergency and disaster response activities. For additional emergency information and updates, contact GEMA at 1-800-TRY-GEMA (1-800-879-4362) or visit the agency’s Web site at www.gema.state.ga.us.
Text of the Executive Order is provided below:
Whereas: On August 20th through the 23rd, 2008, Tropical Storm Fay moved through the southern region of the State producing excessive rainfall which caused extensive flooding and the closure of numerous roads in Baker, Charlton, Grady, Miller and Thomas Counties; and flooding is imminent in Decatur and Seminole Counties; and
Whereas: The rural network of local roads have been rendered impassable in many areas in these impacted counties, isolating residences and farms from access to essential public services; this threat continues for communities in Decatur and Seminole Counties; and
Whereas: State assistance is necessary to protect the public health, preserve the safety of the public, keep property damage to a minimum, and restore the social and economic welfare of these counties.
Now, therefore, pursuant to the authority vested in me as Governor of the State of
Ordered: That a State of
It is further
Ordered: That personnel and equipment resources of the State of Georgia be made available to assist in the response and recovery activities currently being undertaken in the above mentioned counties, and that the Georgia Emergency Management Agency activate the Georgia Emergency Operations Plan.
This 27th day of August, 2008.