Governor Perdue and Georgia DOT Announce Elimination of Torras Causeway Toll
Friday, September 12, 2003 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
Atlanta - Governor Sonny Perdue and Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) Commissioner Harold Linnenkohl announced today that GDOT will begin the process of decommissioning the toll on the F.J. Torras Causeway.
"In keeping with our commitment to decommission the Torras Causeway by the end of the year, the Georgia Department of Transportation will soon start the process of removing the toll and transforming the plaza," said Governor Sonny Perdue. "Portions of the toll plaza will remain in case the plaza area is needed to assist with security during next year's G-8 Summit."
In approximately two weeks, GDOT crews will start removing the interior islands, lay two lanes of new paving and place guardrail around the remaining buildings. The toll will no longer be levied when this project begins. Work is expected to take about six to eight weeks.
Some portions of the toll plaza structure will remain to potentially address security concerns involving the G-8 Summit pending further security consultation. While construction on this project takes place, GDOT urges all travelers to use extreme caution and closely follow the posted speed limits.
"If motorists aren't alert they put themselves very much at risk when driving through an area where there's construction," said GDOT Commissioner Harold Linnenkohl. "Three out of four auto fatalities in work zones are motorists, not workers. Many of these tragedies are avoidable if drivers simply use care."
For traffic information, check out GDOT's NAVIGATOR website --- www.georgia-navigator.com.